Mailing Services
Flyersdirect.com Makes Direct Mail Marketing Easy In 3 Simple Steps!
Did you know that we can Design, Print and Purchase a List, Inkjet the List and Deliver the postcards to the post office including postage all for less than the price of a First Class Stamp? It’s true! By utilizing our Standard mailing permit and our CASS software we can bring down postage to as low as .14 each in certain cases.
Design & Print
You Only Get 1 First Impression
Have you ever heard the saying “Garbage In Garbage Out”? When doing a mailer make sure to put the best image in front of your target audience. Our designers have years of experience capturing the attention of your potential customers.
Did you know that the follwing items below require the same amount of postage?
- 4 x 6 Postcards
- 5.5 x 8.5 Postcards
- 6 x 11 Poscards
- 8.5 x 11 Tri-Fold Brochures
- 11 x 17 Tri-Fold Brochures
Ask your representative which size best fits your marketing budget and goals.
List Research, Management & Certification
Are You Looking For New Customers?
We can compile a list based on the specific needs of your business. We can target by geographic location or based on consumer information. The following list shows some popular searches and examples:
- Businesses by Zip Code
- Household Income Level
- Homeowners by Zip Code
- Homeowners by Age
- Businesses by Size
- Apartment Residents
- Luxury Home Owners
- Homes by Year Built
- Homeowners with Pools
- Resident / Occupant
- Homeowners with Children
- Contractors
- Physicians
- And Much More…
Do You Already Have A List You Like To Send To?
We can “clean” your list to check for deliverability. This involves purging undeliverables and duplicates.
Inkjet, Sorting & Delivery
Your job is printed and the list is ready… now what?
At this step, we are ready to start your direct mail campaign. We will sort, barcode, address and deliver your order to the United States Postal Service.
For more information regarding direct mail, please contact us at 800.836.2993.